De Helende Kracht van Thee


This book will make you happy! Making tea and drinking causes a kind of joy. It is a daily ritual that provides a relaxing moment. With their healing effect, herbs and flowers provide ideal support for many diseases and disorders. The list is endless: from psyllium seed as an appetite suppressant or plantain against hay fever to marigold to improve immunity.

De helende kracht van thee is a particularly rich book, full of practical tips. Besides recipes for the body, it also provides food for the mind. It makes you think about the way we treat our body, how we nourish it, and how we can enhance our well-being. Ann Vansteenkiste gives many workshops, tea ceremony courses and lectures in the Benelux. She also advises top chefs on the composition of their tea menu.

About this book:

  • Writer: Ann Vansteenkiste
  • Language: Dutch
  • Binding method: hardcover
  • Release date: September 2020
  • Dimensions: 23,8 x 17,7 x 2,5 cm
  • Number of pages: 224
  • Recommended age: 14-99

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